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Active member
Sep 18, 2021
Sao Paulo
Hope you all are having a fantastic day.

My name is Henry, a.k.a. Estomagado, from São Paulo, Brazil. Yeah, sorry...

I am in no way an audio professional, being held hostage in an IT life for four decades, but as an occasional musician and "sound guy" I had my share of happiness. I have a degree on Electronics, and been assembling my own stuff since the 1980s, so I am still a noob but at least I can solder 😉

Over 50 now, I am in the process of building my own studio at home. Being a South American, things here are absurdly expensive (a USD 99 SM57 costs almost USD 400 here, Jensen transformers are prohibitive luxury) so we have to make do with cheaper alternatives and a lot of DIY.

Hope to learn from you guys and, if I can, contribute a bit.