GroupdDIY 511 Racks: round 5.5 available

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Berlin, Germany
waiting for a new description ;) :eek: 8)

GDIY511 rack support thread:

Chunger;s impressive build thread for both the 511 rack and psu:

PSU Support thread (for the dual psu please look at the last pages):

Dual VPR & 51x Floor Box PSU Official Support Thread:

Udos great instructions for the EU PSU transformer:
[silent:arts] said:
... are still not available.

;D ;D ;D

but to support the forum I booked this placeholder...
Nice Volker. Good man. My eyes popped out when I first saw the thread title!  :eek:

Anxiously awaiting!

while we are here and talking about GroupDIY 51x Alliance:
I'm very proud to have a new member - and I talked him into doing those needed L-Brackets ;D
one headache less for me now ::)
thank you Frank.
TomWaterman said:
Do you guys have 'any' idea, ballpark for the rack and backplane kit?
sorry, Sahib didn't mention any metal work prices yet.
but our target is for sure the lowest price in the market.
and with the power of the Group 51X Alliance to buy the edacs / neutriks etc together in large quantities this shouldn't be a problem.
for sure it needs some more time to settle everything down, but it is better to wait another few weeks for testing etc than having a half or non working product.

any news about your Pre ?
No time to finish yet. Hammered busy here but will do asap. But have the L brackets, grayhill sample switches and 9 transformers to audition. Opamps need to be built and tested this summer and then board layout. Hopefully by end of my summer break...

Lots of listening to parts to make it the best it can be. Pretty much finished racking the originals for reference. Schematics done, and simplified now there is no need for complex local vregs.

Take your time on this, I know you want to get it right. I'm still up for two racks when done!

iangomes said:
my face went from  ;D :eek:  to   :mad:

this will change to  ;D ;D ;D again
sometimes: being patient might save loads of money
(while I can understand impatience with all those projects around)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

just happy this is getting nearer. Well done to all the 51X members, the futures so bright I've gotta wear shade.


I can't wait... well yes I can but I don't want to but I must.. whew...
