Cloning Rivera Silent Sister? (DIY Iso Box)

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Jun 28, 2017
Hello internets! My apologies as this is not entirely true to fabricating metal, but there was a recent post on woodworking here, so I am hoping this is an acceptable forum to post this query in. So I'm in a situation where I find myself needing to record during times in which people may not necessarily appreciate the full force of a fuzz box. I've been researching and I am hoping for a solution that is:

1) Not overly expensive
2) Achieves a tone that is not "box-y"
3) Is somewhat compact
4) Not detrimental to my occupancy in my current location (a.k.a. quiet)

I've landed on the Rivera version of the Iso Box as they profess to have mastered a "natural sounding isolation box". Now, as this has a prohibitive cost ($900+ USD) for my current financial situation and I enjoy a good DIY project I am curious as to whether anyone has any experience with trying to recreate a similar Isolation Box.

Rivera notes on their website that they have built an air labyrinth that relieves pressure on the speaker, and designed angles on the inside panels that decrease reflections. Now some of this I'm sure is partly hyperbole to upsell their product, but I could also see that some of these are valid complaints of the isolation box realm. Building a cabinet seems easy enough with the right tools, but it seems the added features of this particular product may be above my amateur DIY paygrade.

So these are my questions:
1) What are opinions on isolation boxes? Are complaints of "boxiness" valid?
2) If anyone has used the Rivera Iso Box do you recommend it over other iso cab solutions?
3) Can we build this?

(I was back and forth as to whether this belonged in the Machine Shop or Drawing Board. Mods feel free to move this topic to its correct location if I have posted in error.)

Thanks in advance for the help!!  8)

Link to Rivera's iso box product page for reference:
john12ax7 said:
I don't have any direct experience with any of them,  but you might find this video useful

Seriously cool. But 500lbs, wow that is HEAVY dude.


Yes 500 lbs coupled with the $1500 price tag may be prohibitive for my 2nd story with stairs apartment. It also seems that most of these options may be prohibitive to the 2nd story of an apartment as internet searches return more problems with only a -30db change in sound and problems with bass frequencies. A loadbox may be the better solution, but that starts to become a whole new topic.

Great information though John, truly appreciate that video.  :)
The search for a solution continues!
What I've done in the past is record at a low volume, capture the guitar DI,  then reamp later when you can be louder. This could help with attenuation requirements.

Going to experiment with a load box and cabinet IRs in the future.  It's a compromise,  but at least you capture the amp.
nedonnelly said:
So these are my questions:
1) What are opinions on isolation boxes? Are complaints of "boxiness" valid?
2) If anyone has used the Rivera Iso Box do you recommend it over other iso cab solutions?
3) Can we build this?

1) no complaints on my part. you can get good sound out of them.
Not hard to do, just get the right parts and go for it

2) never used the Rivera thing, but half of what they say seems like marketing Jiberish

3) yes you should
the video posted is really nice, I remember seeing that in the past, it's a great idea what he done.
You can make it smaller of course


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