COVID vaccins: the next problem?

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Yup, correlation is causation, and there's a grand conspiracy between pharma, the govmnt and the science journal editors to cover up "long vax" as opposed to long covid. Those studies showing that vaccination is protective against long covid (PCC) are just lies, and we in the medical profession have been duped by the conspiracy.

So be it.
I can't be sure... are you being sarcastic? 🤔

I find that emoticons help communicate things like that. ;)

Yup, correlation is causation, and there's a grand conspiracy between pharma, the govmnt and the science journal editors to cover up "long vax" as opposed to long covid. Those studies showing that vaccination is protective against long covid (PCC) are just lies, and we in the medical profession have been duped by the conspiracy.

So be it.

You have to stay current - long covid doesn't exist.
I can't be sure... are you being sarcastic?
Of course. Guess you didn't watch the video (don't waste your time.)

You have to stay current - long covid doesn't exist.
I assume your post is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but I'd say it does exist as a subset of post-viral syndrome, one caused by SARS-CoV-2 rather than another virus, and whether it differs requires further study:

The public health impact arising from long COVID may not stem from severity, but from volume. We do not dismiss the validity of long COVID but recommend an appropriate comparator group when researching this condition.
Of course. Guess you didn't watch the video (don't waste your time.)

I assume your post is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but I'd say it does exist as a subset of post-viral syndrome, one caused by SARS-CoV-2 rather than another virus, and whether it differs requires further study:

Yes it was a bit tongue in cheek. I didn't look at the link you posted but your response seems spot on and reads exactly like the conclusion to most scientific journal articles (much work to do please send more money - also a bit tongue in cheek if that wasn't clear).

I have to admit that I had never even heard of, or known about, "long" (post-viral) syndromes for any other viruses. Perhaps you need to be diagnosed with such a syndrome to be made aware of it.

I don't know too much about antibody half-lives, or persistence, or whatever (such as the maintaining of responsiveness in the face of mutations - alterations to cell/capsid surface architecture and the like (I prefer to think at a molecular level)), but I was idly wondering whether catching CoV-2 might be a good thing as it might provide antibodies against something like CoV-1 or MERS? (I had a quick look, it might (according to some possibly unrealiable source), but maybe not for long)

It seems to me that the s**t will really hit the fan if something turns up with the mortality rate of CoV-1 and the transmissibility of CoV-2. That could be a billion people.
Of course Ballszack's name is there, what a surprise!
The US is being destroyed by the phantom fourth branch of gubment.
The FDA/CDC are an absolute disgrace during COVI. Not organizations of the people for the people, but against the people for their own, or dictated-down interests.
That 15 agencies knew that this was going on and obfuscated the truth, are still obfuscating at this moment, is such a disgrace that those agencies should be liquidated, the aparatchiks to go crawl under other rocks in academia and corporate. Complete parasites, a virus on the body politic.
The FDA now quietly, slowly walks back from all the IVM lies in court. It works, and they prevented Dr's from prescribing and Pharmacies from fulfilling. Now I can get it from my Dr. and not Ecuador!
The fourth branch is illegitimate and rotten, in need of major pruning.
Who had Crimes Against Humanity in 2024? It's great that the less-redacted versions of these communications are finally being released four plus years after the "there was no lab leak!" BS narrative. Are we going to hold these people accountable this time or will it be "at this point, what difference does it make?"
yup, hillary exactly came to mind. greedy aparatchik scientists will learn only how to keep the lies buried deeper à la East Anglia or Lost Alamos, and continue to waste billions in foreign country research facilities. The Continuing Budget Resolutions rev B will guarantee it.
Was there any GoFR going on in. . . . . The Ukraine perhaps?

Are We not Men?
If nothing else, 2020 showed just how many of our compatriots are happy to be subjects rather than citizens. Eye-opening to say the least.
Sadly, that may be the lesson learned by politicians everywhere.

Well this came out before shutting down the gyms and being outside (apart from protesting) in lieu of Mcdonalds and the liquor stores..
But then I guess the other elephant in the room is what had they been doing up to that point?

“Given the large increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among young people and increasing risks of obesity-related cancers in contemporary birth cohorts, the future burden of these cancers could worsen as younger cohorts age, potentially halting or reversing the progress achieved in reducing cancer mortality over the past several decades. Cancer trends in young adults often serve as a sentinel for the future disease burden in older adults, among whom most cancer occurs.”
"The authors say innovative strategies are needed to mitigate morbidity and premature mortality associated with obesity-related diseases, primarily by health-care providers and policy makers."
It looks like science (drug industry) has solved the problem of managing appetite with GLP-1 antagonists. They have even moved on to additional treatments to reduce loss of muscle mass coincident with rapid weight loss. I expect a distant future with less profoundly obese people (including less cancer and less metabolic syndrome). BUT the near future will be dominated by big pharma figuring out how to milk the most revenue from this cash cow.

Now we have learned that as they were lying to everyone in April 2020 about its origins - and calling everyone who disagreed a conspiracy theory kook - that they had over 15,000 different samples in the freezer at Wuhan with over 700 of them completely sequenced.
Now we have learned that as they were lying to everyone in April 2020 about its origins - and calling everyone who disagreed a conspiracy theory kook - that they had over 15,000 different samples in the freezer at Wuhan with over 700 of them completely sequenced.

Do you have a source?

It seems 15,000 is an awful lot. But it's possible. However, the date would be very important, as the Wuhan lab was more like a small thing before the University of Texas paid them five million $. That seems to be the point where the lab started expanding and professionalising in order to meet US standards.

Also, 15,000 is a lot to study. Unless you can heavily automate. There was no real automation in the Wuhan lab in 2017. It was one of the things that slowed bat research down, as the entire capacity of the lab wasn't even sufficient to keep up with samples from bats alone.
Do you have a source?

It seems 15,000 is an awful lot. But it's possible. However, the date would be very important, as the Wuhan lab was more like a small thing before the University of Texas paid them five million $. That seems to be the point where the lab started expanding and professionalising in order to meet US standards.

Also, 15,000 is a lot to study. Unless you can heavily automate. There was no real automation in the Wuhan lab in 2017. It was one of the things that slowed bat research down, as the entire capacity of the lab wasn't even sufficient to keep up with samples from bats alone.

EDIT: Added primary source document:

Senator Rand Paul. In the above-linked story is an image of the printed email.
He [Peter Daszak] also told David that he would restrict communications "to gmail from now on," and planned to mount a response to an NIH request which appears to suggest moving out of Wuhan - to which Daszak says "Even that would be a loss - we have 15,000 samples in freezers in Wuhan and could do the full genomes of 700+ Co Vs we've identified if we don't cut this thread."
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'How to get rich off the embetterment of the species' ,
might be a more palatable title 😄

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