Extender for MCI JH-6xx model consoles

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@MidnightArrakis Here on a new thread based on the earlier conversation discussing/ designing/fabricating a new replica of a rare(?) part.

For folks new to this conversation, refer back to the link above.

OK, as I mentioned in the original thread, many folks are not experts with drafting terms/standards. I obviously am in that category because I forgot the "B" and "C" paper sizes. <g>

The extender pix I linked in the original thread (and the pix @beezer4 linked) show a (quasi?) rare device.

In my case Dave, the owner of that MCI JH-636 desk and extender has pretty much retired. He was forced from his leased building (Oklahoma made medical pot legal and "warehouses" such as his building were worth more as a farm vs a studio). He and I moved his studio next door to his house.

ANYWAY, as much as I would like to be of assistance, I'm not gonna bug Dave to ship his extender module.

However, I am still a "Cottage Industry" guy in my mind.

Example....I am also still shocked at how many of these "aftermarket" modules I sold for repairing Otari multitrack tape machines:


Necessity was the mother of the invention.... with a MX-80 24 track which had 6 or 8 dead line outs. Otari didn't have the "ceramic hybrids" anymore. So I designed a simple replacement. Lost track of how many we sold!

A "clone" JH-6xx extender could be niche product since MCI sold hundreds or thousands of the desks.

I obviously am in that category because I forgot the "B" and "C" paper sizes.
It happens!!! I just happened to -- come up/go through -- the "Design/Drafting" world during my journey of eventually becoming a "Senior Electronics Mechanical Packaging & PCB Designer". That's why I know this stuff.
The extender pix I linked in the original thread (and the pix @beezer4 linked) show a (quasi?) rare device.
Which looks bizarrely really cool!!!
In my case Dave, the owner of that MCI JH-636 desk and extender has pretty much retired. He was forced from his leased building (Oklahoma made medical pot legal and "warehouses" such as his building were worth more as a farm vs a studio). He and I moved his studio next door to his house.

ANYWAY, as much as I would like to be of assistance, I'm not gonna bug Dave to ship his extender module.
Well.....you certainly don't have to "bug" Dave about sending out his extender module, but you "could" perhaps gently and politely -- ask him as a friend -- if he would willingly do so in order to assist all of those around-the-world who would benefit from such a device, huh??? Perhaps you could word things in such a manner that Dave couldn't help but feel all "warm and glowy" inside knowing his small effort could help so many others like himself everywhere!!!
However, I am still a "Cottage Industry" guy in my mind.
And.....that's a >> GOOD THING!!! << -- ALL that I am trying to do is to use my particular expertise with being able to "Reverse-Engineer" certain parts of electronic equipment, using my rather expensive 3D CAD-modeling and PCB design programs, to recreate now non-existent vintage audio gear which could then be used by those who really, Really, REALLY need this stuff!!!

Since you seem to be way more closer and connected to this aspect of the industry, I am also more than happy to assist you with specifying and sourcing outside PCB and sheet-metal fabricator vendors in getting things made. I am probably closer with knowing which fabrication shops can easily accept my CAD-design files than you would be, but you are probably more well-informed with knowing who/what/where to contact that would be interested in buying any of these recreations than I ever would be.

If you wanted to "setup shop" selling these "Reverse-Engineered" recreations and throw a few crumbs my way, I could live with that!!! From what I am able to ascertain reading some of the threads on this forum.....YES!!!.....there does seem to be several niche markets for certain vintage -- PCB's/sheet-metal parts/Etc. -- but, absolutely nothing can happen until I am able to literally physically have these items in my hands to "Reverse-Engineer". In other words, I am more than willing to help out with this endeavor, but I can't start until I physically have something in my hands to work from.

Example....I am also still shocked at how many of these "aftermarket" modules I sold for repairing Otari multitrack tape machines:

A "clone" JH-6xx extender could be niche product since MCI sold hundreds or thousands of the desks.
Every journey.....begins with a "first step"!!!

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It happens!!! I just happened to -- come up/go through -- the "Design/Drafting" world during my journey of eventually becoming a "Senior Electronics Mechanical Packaging & PCB Designer". That's why I know this stuff.

Which looks bizarrely really cool!!!

Well.....you certainly don't have to "bug" Dave about sending out his extender module, but you "could" perhaps gently and politely -- ask him as a friend -- if he would willingly do so in order to assist all of those around-the-world who would benefit from such a device, huh??? Perhaps you could word things in such a manner that Dave couldn't help but feel all "warm and glowy" inside knowing his small effort could help so many others like himself everywhere!!!

And.....that's a >> GOOD THING!!! << -- ALL that I am trying to do is to use my particular expertise with being able to "Reverse-Engineer" certain parts of electronic equipment, using my rather expensive 3D CAD-modeling and PCB design programs, to recreate now non-existent vintage audio gear which could then be used by those who really, Really, REALLY need this stuff!!!

Since you seem to be way more closer and connected to this aspect of the industry, I am also more than happy to assist you with specifying and sourcing outside PCB and sheet-metal fabricator vendors in getting things made. I am probably closer with knowing which fabrication shops can easily accept my CAD-design files than you would be, but you are probably more well-informed with knowing who/what/where to contact that would be interested in buying any of these recreations than I ever would be.

If you wanted to "setup shop" selling these "Reverse-Engineered" recreations and throw a few crumbs my way, I could live with that!!! From what I am able to ascertain reading some of the threads on this forum.....YES!!!.....there does seem to be several niche markets for certain vintage -- PCB's/sheet-metal parts/Etc. -- but, absolutely nothing can happen until I am able to literally physically have these items in my hands to "Reverse-Engineer". In other words, I am more than willing to help out with this endeavor, but I can't start until I physically have something in my hands to work from.

Every journey.....begins with a "first step"!!!

Next time Dave and I chat I'll mention this thread. I know he will have to find a suitable box and packing materials, then take it to UPS (or whatever) for shipping. He's pretty much retired from the studio biz, doing some projects for himself and some friends. I can detect he is still frustrated after losing the studio space he operated since the late 1980's.

One oddity with that extender as well as all of the female edge connectors in most (all?) MCI desks is that there is no plastic "rib" at each end of the connector. Going back forever, MCI designed the module circuit boards such that the edge "fingers" were just a part of a long span of PC board material. IOW, they didn't route out the PCB to fit into a typical/standard female edge connector socket that has a plastic rib at each end of the connector. No idea where that sort of connector can be found in year 2024.


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I have one if you want any measurements
Can you create mechanical detail drawings like >> THESE??? <<.....


So.....unless you are capable of creating "Mechanical Detail Fabrication Drawings" as I have shown above, then I can only suggest that you send me your module so I can create these styles of drawings and then I will send your module back to you. Creating these types of drawings takes more than simply measuring everything with a ruler. You also need to know how to apply certain dimensions, where and how to use sheet-metal tolerances and on and on and on!!! There is more to it than you may realize, unless you are somehow involved with creating "Sheet-Metal Fabrication" drawings.
>> What "K-Factor" do you use??? <<

In addition.....can you also create these types of 3D CAD-models of the sheet-metal and the PCB's???.....



If you can create both the "Sheet-Metal Mechanical Detail Fabrication Drawings" -- AND -- the 3D CAD-model files as I have shown above, then you can go ahead and take care of everything that these other members need and save me the trouble of having to go through the hassle of doing it all myself!!! However, if you cannot create all of these design files, then send me one of your modules and "I'll git 'er dun"!!!

Didnt know it was an business ad. Was just trying to help. Good luck.
[Didnt know it was an business ad. Was just trying to help. Good luck] -- I don't know what this is supposed to mean, so I am not responding back to this. However.....

.....in elaborating to your original response (I have one if you want any measurements).....I had interpreted your comment as in -- you have one of these modules in question and you are willing to take some measurements from the module and pass them on. My response back to you was meant to be.....if you are able to extract mechanical detail dimensional measurements similar to what I have shown within my series of drawings, then "YEAH".....I can accept and use them. But, if you are unable to extract mechanical measurements and show them in the amount of detail and precision as I have shown, then it would be much better for you to just send me your module and let me obtain all of the mechanical details down to the amount of precision I need in order for me to accurately create the 3D CAD-models and 2D fabrication drawings as I have shown. >> I WAS NOT ADVERTISING ANYTHING OR PUTTING YOU DOWN << in any manner, way, shape or form!!!

All that I am attempting to do is to offer my assistance to the original OP of the thread. But, I can't "Reverse-Engineer" either a 200-Series or a 6000-Series module -- UNLESS -- I physically have a module right here in my hands!!! Some guy in Florida was restoring an original -- 1974 API Mixing Console -- and he wanted "NEW" PCB's for his vintage console. He had learned that I am able to "Reverse-Engineer" vintage PCB's, so he literally mailed me one each of each different circuit board so I could replicate them exactly as they originally were. Once they arrived here in the mail, I created -- ALL NEW PCB-DESIGNS -- of these old PCB's, even down to their original layout flaws!!! There were plenty of areas within the original layouts of these old PCB's that -- could -- have been improved upon, but the Florida guy wanted everything to be -- JUST LIKE THE ORIGINALS!!! --.....flaws and all!!! I am assuming that this guy wanted to maintain the "Hidden Magic Mojo" that the original flawed layouts possessed. I just did as I was told to do!!!

I have taken a look at your website and I can see that you have done some really good electronics and studio work. I used to do that back in the mid/late '70s. Now, I design new electronic equipment. Here's one recent example:

>> I recently finished this panel design for an audio company located in Ontario, Canada:


By the way.....the -- ect -- on your website "should be" -- etc. -- just so you know:


Should you ever need any PCB or sheet-metal design work done.....let me know, OK???


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