Is there a common cause for rising antisemitism and historic racism?

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if you’ve ever interacted with homeless (or addicts), you’d understand that the vast majority are not like you or me. Mental issues seem to be prevalent.

I only helped cook for homeless people. Some addicts, even when alcohol was drug number one. Mostly victims. Sometimes of their own desire to do the wrong thing. Some victims of bad luck. Victims of parental or marital abuse. Too many things gone wrong for that person not to succumb...

Some had Korsakov, Others ADHD or depression. There's a bit more room in treatment facilities over here, I guess. Of course, some didn't want treatment.

Simple bad luck would be the exception and easier to address. If you personally know any addicts, many of them have mental issues that are amplified by drug use.

The addicts I encountered mostly ended in very sad stories. It can take a while, though.

A lot of them are good people and are quite intelligent. Dealing with mental issues is easier said than done. Unfortunately, I lost one of my childhood friends recently for this reason. You can lead a horse to water but…

I was fairly close to my neighbour across the street many years ago. His 16 year old daughter was lost to heroin. So many people tried. Her family was devastated cause they kept up hope even when it was very bad. Her dad passed away soon after. A broken man, having lost his wife a decade earlier.

Just the loss of her mother drove her to drugs. It wasn't the drug that killed her. She was murdered. The murderer was never found.

My condolences with your loss.
I'm in Philly quite often. Is THIS guy telling me there's not a problem? Go on bud.. I mean, it's great if you want to ignore that there's a problem. Camden NJ isn't much better. In fact, I often volunteer to help feed the homeless. How about you BUD?

Yeah i was 13 the first time i worked a soup kitchen in kensington, thanks for asking, and I'm not sure where you got that i said there was no problem but i should expect that level or reading comprehension here in the brewery by now, my bad.

And look, i don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home, but please don't reply to me with any more of those propaganda poverty-porn videos
Lmao i would love to hear more about what's happening in Philadelphia from THIS guy, go on bud
You asked.. I replied.. and now you're denying that the Kensington area of Philly looks like a 3rd world country? 👌 That's what you were replying to, right?

Not surprisingly, you've mistaken hope and compassion as 'propaganda poverty-porn video'.

I suppose all the pics (google images) are photoshopped and news stories propaganda? :rolleyes:

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I have a few friends who vouleteered at the homeless shelter over the years ,
they did it for a while but soon tired working within a system with little or no chance of success .
I ran into another person lately , exactly the same position , what he said was he's notcied in more recent years the majority are showing up addicted to pills of one kind or another , and a general trend towards less alcohol problems , more problems with addictive drugs .
The ones who can access legal medications sell the pills , then theres an ever growing selection of cheap generic pills from labs in China ,making their way into the supply chain .

Treating so called mental illness with addictive drugs , thats what big pharma and medical profession have done and now look at the state of the place .
We had more people with a medicine addiction than anything else. Anti-depressants and other prescription meds.

Of course, hardly any coke addicts, as these tend to have the money to get into treatment... The poor souls who sniffed coke, usually were sold speed, or a mixture. Heroin addiction was fairly rare, three decades ago. There were several outfits specialising in heroin addiction. The newer super drugs (like crack) weren't yet around.

But we only offered food and drink. The worst cases didn't seem to need that.