The real attack on Democracy.

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as the old joke goes, how do you know when a politician is lying, their lips are moving. ;)
Not useful. Not leading to understanding. What do you expect with a fully indoctrinated population that isn't too smart to start with?
Not fully, with competing ideologies.
Smart people get rich.
are you rich? I'm not rich for the US, but comfortable.
The average guy votes,
I vote, do you?
even if it's of no use to anyone and works two, or even three jobs to feed his family.
No family and no jobs if you don't count this volunteer gig as a moderator.
The bottom falls out and leads a terrible life before dying too young.
its too late for me to die young and pretty, but I expect I will die soon enough.
Look at the drug problem. Even after investing boatloads of money in the "War On Drugs", nothing changes. What would you expect if the main drug importer is a govt operation?
Yes the open border is government supported. The fentanyl supply chain is a joint operation between china and Mexican drug cartels. China no doubt wants to destabilize the US, the cartels just want to make money.
Why is the US the only nation being overrun by Fentanyl?
During 2022, Germany was responsible for 19 percent of the world's total fentanyl consumption. This drug can be used as an analgesic and is about 100 times more potent than morphine. Global consumption of fentanyl has increased steadily in the last decade. This statistic displays the distribution of the global fentanyl consumption by region from 2018 to 2022.

The mexican cartels are operating relatively unfettered. It is remarkable how much fentanyl is being intercepted by border agents suggesting even more is coming through. The street price of fentanyl is crazy cheap. Addicts are not known for their judgement. Many innocents (?) die from buying drugs that are contaminated with fentanyl.
Well, there's some overspill into Canada, of course. Oh, yeah, let's blame the Chinese. If it's the Chinese, why are other countries not overrun by Fentanyl?
They don't have a targeted effort from a major enemy like china. China could cut this off in a second but it serves them to destabilize the US.
Fentanyl isn't new. It was first created in Belgium in 1959. It was first used in the States in 1968. It wasn't a problem for decades, as it was only used as a painkiller in palliative patients (read: people already dying from cancer). It became a problem because US pharma started selling it for minor pain problems. It's use exploded (and so did the profit), cause there are many Americans who need to kill a pain in order to get to work, due to inhumane work conditions and non-existant medical care for all.
prescription opioid painkillers are a different problem. Street fentanyl is made in Mexico from raw materials imported from China.
Still, nobody understands that the real cause of the Fentanyl explosion is capitalism. Nothing else. Pure greed. But hey, socialism is the devil...
Nice try.... The drug cartels are profit minded but not capitalist.

Socialism is not evil just a failed system that seduces ignorant with false promises. Any student of history has seen multiple examples of those failures.

as the old joke goes, how do you know when a politician is lying, their lips are moving. ;)

How many politicians do you know in person?

Not fully, with competing ideologies.

It is very hard to resist that kind of indoctrination, but obviously, some do. Some are even so disgusted with it, they leave the country.

are you rich? I'm not rich for the US, but comfortable.

Not by any means, but I have no worries. I'm not interested in money, as long as I have enough for my needs. I had an uncle who lived for money. I was the only relative that didn't run upon seeing him appear. He died rich, but very unhappy. Not unhappy about the family as you'd expect, but unhappy about the money he didn't get.

I vote, do you?

We are obliged to vote. That recently changed. I'll still vote though.

Yes the open border is government supported. The fentanyl supply chain is a joint operation between china and Mexican drug cartels. China no doubt wants to destabilize the US, the cartels just want to make money.

Good try. You know very well that wasn't what I was talking about. Maybe that's a way drugs come into the USA. Don't know that much about Mexican cartels, except that they use FSO software. Ain't that funny? The Chinese cannot legally get that software, but Mexican drug cartels can...

During 2022, Germany was responsible for 19 percent of the world's total fentanyl consumption. This drug can be used as an analgesic and is about 100 times more potent than morphine. Global consumption of fentanyl has increased steadily in the last decade. This statistic displays the distribution of the global fentanyl consumption by region from 2018 to 2022.

That's surprising, but these stats are about medicinal use of Fentanyl, I suppose? The Germans are probably more precise than others in reporting. Besides, nothing to do with the Fentanyl crisis.

The mexican cartels are operating relatively unfettered. It is remarkable how much fentanyl is being intercepted by border agents suggesting even more is coming through. The street price of fentanyl is crazy cheap. Addicts are not known for their judgement. Many innocents (?) die from buying drugs that are contaminated with fentanyl.

Isn't it amazing that all these govt agencies have near unlimited power and means and yet they can't fix that problem?

They don't have a targeted effort from a major enemy like china. China could cut this off in a second but it serves them to destabilize the US.

There's that fear again. Atm, the CCP has far bigger problems than the USA.

prescription opioid painkillers are a different problem. Street fentanyl is made in Mexico from raw materials imported from China.

Yeah, so?

Nice try.... The drug cartels are profit minded but not capitalist.

Come again? They are the essence of free trade.

Socialism is not evil just a failed system that seduces ignorant with false promises. Any student of history has seen multiple examples of those failures.


Socialism isn't a system. Communism was a system. The entire developed world is more or less socialist. Every country in Europe has one or more socialist parties. Most countries in Africa have socialist parties. And even in Asia, a lot of countries have socialist parties. Not that it makes everything perfect, but healthcare for all is a sound beginning. And even that is a red flag for the bull.

I really, really have a hard time understanding it. Most Americans are in favour, once they understand what it is and why it's cheaper, safer and better. Yet a lot of you act as if it's written by Satan himself. Why's that if it isn't indoctrination?
How many politicians do you know in person?
they few that I have encountered in person at local events did not like my questions.
It is very hard to resist that kind of indoctrination, but obviously, some do. Some are even so disgusted with it, they leave the country.
and so many promise to leave the country, then don't.
Not by any means, but I have no worries. I'm not interested in money, as long as I have enough for my needs. I had an uncle who lived for money. I was the only relative that didn't run upon seeing him appear. He died rich, but very unhappy. Not unhappy about the family as you'd expect, but unhappy about the money he didn't get.
Being frugal without expensive habits, like a wife and kids, or drug habit. I have banked a fair amount and have dabbled in the stock market since the 1960s. I lost more money in the stock market during basic training in the army, than they paid me that year. 🤔

Later running small businesses I became very frugal.
We are obliged to vote. That recently changed. I'll still vote though.
I vote because I think it matters.
Good try. You know very well that wasn't what I was talking about. Maybe that's a way drugs come into the USA. Don't know that much about Mexican cartels, except that they use FSO software. Ain't that funny? The Chinese cannot legally get that software, but Mexican drug cartels can...
Sounds like what you were talking about. No it isn't funny.
That's surprising, but these stats are about medicinal use of Fentanyl, I suppose? The Germans are probably more precise than others in reporting. Besides, nothing to do with the Fentanyl crisis.
which fentanyl crisis are you talking about? It is the leading cause of death for 18-49 YO in USA.
Isn't it amazing that all these govt agencies have near unlimited power and means and yet they can't fix that problem?
Seriously. President Biden reversed tens of ex-President Trump's executive orders that secured the border. Ex-President Trump also negotiated deals with the Mexican government to hold migrants there until their status was reviewed. President Biden is claiming that he doesn't have the authority that he clearly did to reverse them. He says he needs more money, to process more "newcomers".

There's that fear again. Atm, the CCP has far bigger problems than the USA.
as should be expected...
Yeah, so?

Come again? They are the essence of free trade.
Illegal drug sales are not "free trade". They are a criminal enterprise.
Socialism isn't a system. Communism was a system.
The entire developed world is more or less socialist. Every country in Europe has one or more socialist parties. Most countries in Africa have socialist parties. And even in Asia, a lot of countries have socialist parties. Not that it makes everything perfect, but healthcare for all is a sound beginning. And even that is a red flag for the bull.
I really, really have a hard time understanding it. Most Americans are in favour, once they understand what it is and why it's cheaper, safer and better. Yet a lot of you act as if it's written by Satan himself. Why's that if it isn't indoctrination?
Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) Best known as author of: Democracy in America (1848)
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

People generally like what they perceive as free sh__. At some point the bills come due, and/or you run out of other people's money (Thatcher). The blatant vote buying going on right now in plain sight is obscene.

Oh, come on John. It's not about free stuff. Who planted that idea in your mind? Are you really so simple that you think people who get a handout will automatically vote for the one that created the handout? You'd be amazed if you knew how little that strategy will yield.

It's about not becoming homeless when you're out of a job. Not being financially ruined cause you got sick. Not dying from the cold cause you can't afford heating.

It works in 90% of the developed world. Yet you keep imagining it's satanical. It's not because you're still healthy, had a good job and saved a bit of money that people who weren't so lucky shouldn't get help. That is disgusting in itself.

Solidarity. The word that makes fascists shiver. They know very well they can't infect society with their ideas if people are well and stick together. Fascism needs hunger to spread. It needs a guilty party, even if that guilty party is just imagined. The rise of fascism in the USA, Germany, Italy and Japan was only possible because the economy tanked and lots of people were in need of food, a job...

It's easy to blame others (the commies, the jews...) for a broken economy while the ones who caused the economy to tank get richer. And that's what fascists do. Blame an innocent party. Black, gay, gypsy or jew. Recognisably different makes for an easy victim.
Oh, come on John. It's not about free stuff. Who planted that idea in your mind? Are you really so simple that you think people who get a handout will automatically vote for the one that created the handout? You'd be amazed if you knew how little that strategy will yield.

It's about not becoming homeless when you're out of a job. Not being financially ruined cause you got sick. Not dying from the cold cause you can't afford heating.

It works in 90% of the developed world. Yet you keep imagining it's satanical. It's not because you're still healthy, had a good job and saved a bit of money that people who weren't so lucky shouldn't get help. That is disgusting in itself.

Solidarity. The word that makes fascists shiver. They know very well they can't infect society with their ideas if people are well and stick together. Fascism needs hunger to spread. It needs a guilty party, even if that guilty party is just imagined. The rise of fascism in the USA, Germany, Italy and Japan was only possible because the economy tanked and lots of people were in need of food, a job...

It's easy to blame others (the commies, the jews...) for a broken economy while the ones who caused the economy to tank get richer. And that's what fascists do. Blame an innocent party. Black, gay, gypsy or jew. Recognisably different makes for an easy victim.
aw come on whatever your name is.... ;)
I recognize the modern oppressor/oppressed meme used to divide people.

Keep digging


The real attack on Democracy​

A veer back to this again. I can now understand why DT was so into accusations of "fake news", since he was producing so much of it himself, according to what I hear of David Phallus' testimony - predicated on "there's one born every minute."
No projection - just an experienced grifter telling the hoi polloi what they want to hear (unrelated to reality many times), and hiding the reality that he doesn't want them to hear.

You can fool some of the people all of the time...
Speaking of his crack legal team, this just went down at SCOTUS.
a few words taken out of context...:rolleyes: I am listening to the entire arguments.
IMO (so far) Justice Sotomayor sounds surprisingly lucent, Justice Ketanji Brown Jones not as much. 🤔

Maybe that's why political operatives want 69YO Justice Sotomayor to resign so they can appoint another justice more like Jones, sooner rather than later.

They were investigating the limits of "official" vs "personal" acts. The distinction makes a difference because presumably official acts by POTUS have immunity, personal acts do not. Some of the hypotheticals sound like partisan talking points (already?).
The case in court and behavior surely already exists. SCOTUS is speculating about a ruling with consequences for all time. No cats involved.
