History..... rhymes?

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History rhymes ?
thats rose tinted glasses ,
History repeats the same mistakes over and over ,
Just as Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews , and so now the Jews have passed the parcel of genocidal hate down the line onto the Palestinians ,
You only have to look at the coverage of the middle eastern situation from a few different perspectives to see clearly the bias .

True. The only genocide ever that was successful in erasing an entire people from the map, has produced Romania. No way to pass on anything. All others have had retaliation one or two generations later. That way, the problem never ends, much to the liking of the military industry.

But many Americans are so cock sure its the its the leader of the free world its hardly worth wasting breath trying to change the brainwashed's point of view anymore .

You shouldn't blame Americans. Their incoming data stream is so heavily filtered, it's worse than the CCPs Great FireWall. Even much worse.

Sometimes, it's great to be small nation. Nobody takes notice. Our press isn't great, but it's largely free of [external] filtering and manipulation. And efforts to introduce propaganda channels haven't been successful. Even when high in Google news, nobody seems to read/view them.

BTW, Google finally had to admit they manipulate search results. For a buck, never anything else. Yeah, right. Has everyone forgotten Google was partially bankrolled by the CIA? That news didn't appear in any US media yet. Of course, you can TRY googling it :cool:
Show me anything close to pits where people have been shot like dogs, layered with piney boughs, from “The Cedars of Lebanon” perhaps, burnt, and buried.
You write your words, and by doing so exhibit not even a minimum of understanding of which you write.
Perhaps you have never visited a camp or a pit in Germany or Poland, or the Holy Land?
Might want to settle in, you've got a long wait ahead of you...

Seems you are correct. Turns out the "girl beaten unconscious" story wasn't actually true and has been debunked. Furthermore the narrative of Jewish students being denied access to class wasn't actually true either. The reality as reported by many students was the protests were at most a mild inconvenience, both to Jewish and non-Jewish students, simply walk an extra minute to go where you need to.

So you have orchestrated ragebait that many fell for, that incited actual violence.... against the protesters. Now that there is violence, protests can be deemed unsafe and disbanded. A classic technique to discredit and silence opposition voices.
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I have passed closeby several German camps setup in Holland and Belgium during WW2 but never went inside ,
Ive also visited war memorials ,mostly in northern France , but also in Russia .

We of course had our own holocaust here in Ireland , known as the great famine , many of the buildings that were once workhouses still exist to this day , there is also mass graves that still stand testament to the lives lost ,

Its hard to estimate exact numbers as oficial population counts will include some who were either transported or left for the UK or the new world of Austrailia and America , the population was reduced from a peak of around 8.5 million in the 1840's to under 6 million by the 1860's .
People were systematically removed from their lands , impoverished , left uneducated , and finally faced with the choice of starve to death or leave the country .

In many ways Mike , the plight of the Palestinian people now is similar to what the Irish faced in the 1840's .
Should we be silent until the death toll reaches into the millions again ?
At what point exactly does willful starvation with genocidal intent become actual genocide ?

Looks like NBC fell for the fake news. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/on-air/jewish-student-recounts-injury-during-ucla-protest/3402539/ She withheld her last name so it might be difficult to fact check.
It looks like President Biden delivered on his promise to unify everybody including protestors.

Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protesters briefly united with chants against President Joe Biden at the University of Alabama on Wednesday. But this clip is hosted by fox news so may be fake.

heres another copy https://www.mediaite.com/politics/u...ael-protestors-chant-fck-joe-biden-in-unison/

I apologize to any here offended by off color language.

Coverage of the situation in Israel and Palestine in the UK media is horrendously biased , I suspect its just the same for the most part in the USA ,
The day after the Hamas attack I saw a Sky news segment , where an Israeli woman layed blame for the attack on the its own government and security forces turning a blind eye , this was followed moments later with a statement from the British government , unequivocally re-itterating its support for Israel .

Is it your own off colour language your appologising for or someone elses John ?
Seems you are correct. Turns out the "girl beaten unconscious" story wasn't actually true and has been debunked.
Granted, I did read about this early on and said as much. Perhaps it was debunked. Curious what major outlet / journalist ‘debunked’ it thought?

Reddit? Haha
Granted, I did read about this early on and said as much. Perhaps it was debunked. Curious what major outlet / journalist ‘debunked’ it thought?

Reddit? Haha

Ypu can dump on reddit, but do you realize the original source of the story was IG from an account named ThatKoreanJew? The thing shouldn't have needed debunking, it should have been verified before everyone ran with it making up whatever narrative they were pushing.

There are many many videos from UCLA showing the counter-protestors agitating and attacking the protestors. There are very very few in the reverse direction.

Here is an account of that day and actual footage of the alleged incident. The reality is the girl, who is not a student there, went to campus with her family to side with the counter-protestors, who were by most accounts the overall aggressors. Girl approaches protestors, bends down to get something, mom pulls her back, some shoving ensues, girl falls down when she is back on her side.

Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protesters briefly united with chants against President Joe Biden at the University of Alabama on Wednesday.
I find this super interesting. What is the alternative? Vote for Trump, the guy who moved the embassy, says the Palestine protestors "are full of hate", filled with "professional agitators", and how the police activity at Columbia University was "a beautiful thing to watch"?
Ypu can dump on reddit, but do you realize the original source of the story was IG from an account named ThatKoreanJew? The thing shouldn't have needed debunking, it should have been verified before everyone ran with it making up whatever narrative they were pushing.
I’m not dumping on Reddit, per se but I am laughing because if I were ever to use ‘reddit’ or Twitter as a ‘source’ here in the Brewery it’d be deemed a laughable source by the ‘usual suspects’.

Anyway, I don’t agree with the pro Palestinian protestors but they have every right to protest. The plywood barriers/encampment were a bit silly and asking for trouble, IMHO.

The police failed to do their duty.
I’m not dumping on Reddit, per se but I am laughing because if I were ever to use ‘reddit’ or Twitter as a ‘source’ here in the Brewery it’d be deemed a laughable source by the ‘usual suspects’.

You shouldn't trust any random single source, but collectively you can get a decent picture. One good thing about reddit is it is pretty easy to tell who are legit posters and who are just posting propaganda.

Anyway, I don’t agree with the pro Palestinian protestors but they have every right to protest. The plywood barriers/encampment were a bit silly and asking for trouble, IMHO.

So just like a girl who dresses a certain way is asking for trouble too huh? Don't you see that is a ridiculous take? I don't agree with everything either, but from my perspective what I see from you and many others is a seemingly lack of concern for actual transgressions. Thugs beating on peaceful protesters... no big deal. Slaughter of innocents overseas....no big deal. But put up some tents and plywood.... no we can't have that and it must be eradicated.
I find this super interesting. What is the alternative? Vote for Trump, the guy who moved the embassy, says the Palestine protestors "are full of hate", filled with "professional agitators", and how the police activity at Columbia University was "a beautiful thing to watch"?

I also don't understand how someone can consider themselves a patriot, and then support someone who tried to overturn an election and interfere with the peaceful transition of power. That is such an egregious offense it goes way beyond any left / right politics.
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So just like a girl who dresses a certain way is asking for trouble too huh?
Let me get this straight, you’re comparing a girl dressing provocatively and protesters building an encampment?
Don't you see that is a ridiculous take?
Yes, your take is ridiculous. I dont see how building an encampment during a protest can lead to anything good. However, I can see how a girl dressing provocatively (advertising) can. At least that’s been my experience. Call me old-fashioned ;) I hope you have a sense of humor.
I don't agree with everything either, but from my perspective what I see from you and many others is a seemingly lack of concern for actual transgressions.
Thugs beating on peaceful protesters... no big deal.
Slaughter of innocents overseas....no big deal.
I see a pattern!
But put up some tents and plywood.... no we can't have that and it must be eradicated.
No we can't.. the police should’ve sorted that right out. What’s the need for plywood barriers during a ‘peaceful’ protest and what's the connection with a girl dressing provocatively? To get noticed/provoke? The bullhorns, flags and chants aren't enough? Protesters need to build barriers? Give me a break.

I guess we know who's buying the plywood.

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I hope you have a sense of humor.

Go see Bill Burr when he is in your town. His take on world events is hilarious, yeti often more accurate than what you will see on the news.

Your post history is clear. You were disgusted by violence that wasn't true, yet continue to say nothing about violence that is true. That is not a rational response.

Perhaps I am guilty of projection, specifically complementary projection, assuming others on a electronics forum will respond in a consistent logical rational manner. Need to stop making that mistake.
You might be right John12ax7 , not sure it has anything to do with the fact its an electronics forum though .
Its still a good place to bounce ideas around and see who's arguments withstand scrutiny .

I standby my previous comments but Im always willing to listen to other peoples perspectives , even ones I dont share .
Let me get this straight, you’re comparing a girl dressing provocatively and protesters building an encampment?
It seems extremely clear to me that they are comparing the victim blamers in these situations, not the victims themselves. You don't strike me as unintelligent enough to not see the difference.

Protesters need to build barriers? Give me a break.
The protestors who were attacked in the middle of the night?
You might be right John12ax7 , not sure it has anything to do with the fact its an electronics forum though.

My assumption was that science minded people would be more capable of logical reasoning. Maybe that was incorrect thinking on my part.

I standby my previous comments but Im always willing to listen to other peoples perspectives , even ones I dont share .

I respect those I disagree with when they present reasoned consistent arguments. Reasonability is perhaps the most important quality we need to solve issues. But so much inconsistent hypocritical bs these days, being for or against something based on the people doing the actions, not based on any underlying logic or principles.
My belief is certain biases are cooked into a personality way early on , particularly stuff concerning national identity and political persuasion , even in the face of reasoned logical argument you'll meet a brick wall or a string of diversionary tactics ,semantic arguments are a favourite .
Then when you really put them to the pin of their collar , some just remain silent ,in a kind of face saving manuvre , others delve down into personal insults as a means of avoiding defending the indefensible .

In my 6000 or so posts here there really was only one individual who made a baseless unfounded personal attack , their post was amended by a member of staff ,but not before I read it . I could certainly have pressed the issue further , in the end I had the right of reply and was happy to leave it at that .
Your post history is clear.
As is yours, you are as biased and predictable as any one of us.
You were disgusted by violence that wasn't true, yet continue to say nothing about violence that is true.
People have the right to protest whatever they please as long as it's peaceful. I'm not sure what's so irrational about that.