Anyone heard from pedalhacker electronics?

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Well-known member
GDIY Supporter
Oct 26, 2019
Midwest, US
I don’t love writing this. I ordered some stuff through the site recently, and only shortly thereafter found some threads on other forums from late last summer saying that Michael had been battling cancer, and it sounded fairly bad from those few (secondhand account) posts. Does anyone know if he’s okay? I tried emailing but got no response, and of course it’s hard to know whether that’s significant or mundane. I’m not terribly concerned about my order, just hoping that he’s alright. In my limited interactions with him over the past few years, he has struck me as a good, kind person.
Do you mean Michael who sells capacitors, resistors, diodes, LEDs & recitifiers and so on?
There are other people ask him 3 months ago.

I’m sorry for his health issues. But I do not know his situation.