DIY Bluetooth decoding

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Potato Cakes

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2014
Nashville, TN
Hello, everyone,

I have a client that has a need for a high quality bluetooth audio solution (oxymoron?) since everything he does is from his phone. Heritage Audio makes a 500 series module that seems like it will work nicely but requires a chassis. This spurned the idea of making a custom unit and get fancy with the level of audio quality, but the missing part for me in this concept is the bluetooth conversion. I don't if anyone here has successfully implemented a similar idea. I believe that if I can find a solid prebuilt module that just needs power and an audio output scheme then I could whip something up.



Kali (99$, finished product):

I've been playing around with BT audio for a couple of months now. DIY seems more expensive, but with less choice in chipsets.
Bluetooth bit rates are not good enough for lossless audio streaming. Use wifi, there are many esp32 based applications an cheap boards available.
mhelin said:
Bluetooth bit rates are not good enough for lossless audio streaming. Use wifi, there are many esp32 based applications an cheap boards available.

I had dropped a small clue in my original post about bluetooth and quality audio being technological antonyms. However, I'm more focused on just making a digital circuit work whereas everything else I've done here was in the pursuit of excellent audio. I've started looking around for boards with the bluetooth circuit completed and having connections for audio, power, and an external antenna. I know most any of them have connections and instructions for programming a host of controls, but from what I understand there is a dedicated audio L/R that doesn't need additional programming. At least that is what I have read on the completed circuits I've found.

Again, this is a project to see if I can make an idea work. If I can make it work and sound pretty good then that will just be icing.


If you need some ideas from an already made circuit,
this unit is affordable and sounds really good



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