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Another qu.stion or two. Copper pours. I can select a copper pour I created and change its layer but I cannot seem to delete it. ANy idea how to do this.

Also, the copper pour tool is a general polygon drawing tool which I fine hard to use. I am used to a straightforward rectangle copper pour tool but this does not seem to work for a copper pour in esayeda.


Many thanks for the links. The first video did not show you haw to delete a copper pour but it did simplify using the polygon tube - when drawing a rectangle you can draw just three sides and then right click and it will complete the rectangle. I also noticed on of the videos had different coloured lines for the polygon outline and they were a lot thicker (and easier to see with my old eyes) so I need to find out where those parameters are set.

The second video was much the same but the guy did delete a copper pour. Unfortunately he just said " if I delete it entirely" and it disappeared - he did not say how he did it. After some experimentation I found the delete key works but unfortunately my little Chromebook, that I sometimes use, has no delete key. Then I discovered of you manage to select the copper pouur there is a right click ,menu that includes deleting it.


Here is something that is essentially -- brand-new -- and, frankly.....what could also border on "being scary" in the realm of the PCB-design world. This new PCB-design layout program works with "Artificial Intelligence" as you create both your schematic and PCB-layout. Basically.....it knows what you need or want to do -- BEFORE -- you do!!! GEEZ!!! What's next???

>> This new PCB-design program is called -- FLUX.AI -- and here is its link:


There is -- NO -- software to download or install as everything is done "in the cloud" or online. The "Basic" program is FREE to use and the "PRO" package costs $5 per month, while the "Enterprise" edition is $29 per month.

And.....because this program is -- AI-based --.....you can actually type-in and ask it questions about your design and this friggin' program -- WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO DO -- in order to achieve the result you are looking for!!! Like, "Copilot, what values of capacitors and resistors do I need to create a 12dB per octave filter at 5KHz"?..... and this program will tell you what you need!!! SHAZAAM!!!

Here is a screenshot that I just took showing what would be a rather typical amplifier question asked on this forum:


And.....this program will look at and analyze your schematic and then report back to you with its results!!! SCARY???

Here are some introductory links:

FLUX PCB "General Overview":

PCB Design Tutorial Start to Finish

Layout Capabilities | Flux

Design your next PCB using Artificial Intelligence

Getting started with FLUX schematics:

Circuit simulation in Flux - Using the built-in simulator

Crash course - KiCAD to Flux

So, Kids.....this ends today's announcement of an "Artificial Intelligence-based" schematics and PCB-design program!!!

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I gave flux a try this evening. Not impressed. Loads of hoops just to be able to ask about a footprint, nothing tube related in the database. Has more than one schematic symbol for resistors. Tutorial videos go through stuff so fast it is impossible to keep up. And the AI does not know what a B9A PCB socket is. OK if you just want SMT and micros.


I gave flux a try this evening. Not impressed. Loads of hoops just to be able to ask about a footprint, nothing tube related in the database. Has more than one schematic symbol for resistors. Tutorial videos go through stuff so fast it is impossible to keep up. And the AI does not know what a B9A PCB socket is. OK if you just want SMT and micros.


[Not impressed] -- I will let them know that!!!

>> How about giving their schematic side a spin while checking out their simulation stuff. Maybe that's a bit different.

[Not impressed] -- I will let them know that!!!

>> How about giving their schematic side a spin while checking out their simulation stuff. Maybe that's a bit different.

I was trying to draw a schematic for the tube DI project. They don't have a B9A tube socket part either in the schematic or PCB sections and they invited me to create my own. I found some highlighted text that said something like " ask the community" so I thought I will click that and ask. Turns out not to be so simple. The link takes you to another site called Stack IIRC. You can't just ask, you have to sign up. So I signed up, replied to the verify your email address email and clicked the link again. But it could not find an account for my email address. At that point I gave up trying to contact the community

They don't have any tube symbols either so I just drew the circuit without the tube using the standard d' resistors. Then I noticed there was a standard quarter watt leaded resistor symbol so I though cool, I will just change the footprint to that. Nope it won't let you. So I thought OK I will delete each resistor and replace it with the leaded symbol. That is when I discovered this resistor has a completely different symbol (looks similar but it is a different size) so I could not just drop it in where the others had been. That is when I gave up in exasperation.


I was trying to draw a schematic for the tube DI project. They don't have a B9A tube socket part either in the schematic or PCB sections and they invited me to create my own. I found some highlighted text that said something like " ask the community" so I thought I will click that and ask. Turns out not to be so simple. The link takes you to another site called Stack IIRC. You can't just ask, you have to sign up. So I signed up, replied to the verify your email address email and clicked the link again. But it could not find an account for my email address. At that point I gave up trying to contact the community

They don't have any tube symbols either so I just drew the circuit without the tube using the standard d' resistors. Then I noticed there was a standard quarter watt leaded resistor symbol so I though cool, I will just change the footprint to that. Nope it won't let you. So I thought OK I will delete each resistor and replace it with the leaded symbol. That is when I discovered this resistor has a completely different symbol (looks similar but it is a different size) so I could not just drop it in where the others had been. That is when I gave up in exasperation.


>> TOTAL BUMMER!!! -- I will forward all of your comments to FLUX while also telling them, "Yer 'Artificial Intelligence' ain't so smart"!!!

And, just to be clear.....>> I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS "FLUX" COMPANY!!! << I just stumbled upon a video on YouTube, watched parts of a handful of others and got an impression that this program would be a -- good deal -- for the members of this forum. THAT'S ALL!!!

I was merely just trying to generally help out.....

I apologize for all of the inconvenience this has caused you. I'M SORRY!!!

>> TOTAL BUMMER!!! -- I will forward all of your comments to FLUX while also telling them, "Yer 'Artificial Intelligence' ain't so smart"!!!

And, just to be clear.....>> I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS "FLUX" COMPANY!!! << I just stumbled upon a video on YouTube, watched parts of a handful of others and got an impression that this program would be a -- good deal -- for the members of this forum. THAT'S ALL!!!

I was merely just trying to generally help out.....

I apologize for all of the inconvenience this has caused you. I'M SORRY!!!

No problem. I am always willing to try new stuff in the hope I will eventually find one that actually does what it should. Thank you for finding it and posting it here. If you come across any others I would definitely be interested.



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