Feeler - anodised etched front panels

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2004
Sussex, UK
After extensive research and experimentation I am in the final stages of perfecting a process to etch graphics in anodised aluminium front panels.
If anyone wants to know how this looks just look up vintage Moog modular synth equipment.
At the moment it is limited to clear/white etched graphics on coloured anodise. I am also looking into selective anodising as in coloured graphics but need to experiment a lot more with this.

This process is good for one off panels and not particularly for multiples because the labour set up costs do not particularly decrease for multiples. Not for instance compared to screen printing. But very detailed panels are just as easy as simple ones and cheaper than say laser or traditional engraving. Very detailed scales and graphics is no problem. Also the etched graphics do not rub off. Anodise is an extremely hard wearing finish.

A lot of rack mount chassis come with anodised front plates already.
However if you have custom metal work a local anodising shop is very cheap. For example I had 4 22"x12" panels beautifully anodised for about £25. If you're doing a common colour the shop can include it in a larger run of manufacturing.

Artwork is easy. It can be done on Frontpanel Designer or any graphics program. The way I have been doing artwork is to get professional acetates done - this is the only way I know to get truly opaque transparencies. If people know how to provide their own transparencies of a high enough quality they can provided them and bring the cost down even lower. But I have not done any research into DIY transparency films.

I will upload some examples of my work soon.

I will not be offering drilling or other machining. However simple markers can be etched to make it easier to drill and cut.

I am considering offering this service to the DIY community but only if it is economically viable.
What do you guys consider a good price point. I am in UK so freight would also be a consideration. It would be great if you could post examples of typical panels and comparisons of different services - for example Frontpanel Express, laser engraving and screen printing.

As I am in the UK I would be interested in a UK supplier of such a service. At present I use FPD and have the panels drilled and engraved in Germany. I recently emailed another UK supplier of etched panels here in the UK who currently makes a range of Synth front panels. Was that you?


I'd like to put the process though its paces.
Can someone recommend or supply some vector graphics that would really showcase the process and test if its up to scratch?
Something with really intricate dials and scales would be great

This process would also be great to produce dial plates and labels like the old Davens.