Hello... and another 1176

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Well-known member
GDIY Supporter
Jun 8, 2004
Münster; Germany
Hello everybody!
A year ago I found this amazing forum (at that time still at the old place - there will be a first birthday soon...), and I´ve been reading and enjoying a lot (spending too much time, sometimes). I´m impressed by the vast amount and quality of knowledge that is shared, and even more by the way people deal with each other: I see people over here struggling hard to be fair and polite, an attitude that I miss at so many other places I´m visiting inside the web.

It may be boring for some people here, but all I can do to contibute at the moment is to show some pics of an 1176. Thanks especially to Jakob who made this possible ( I tried to give credit to your work by engraving "G 1176")


I like the "full gyraf aestethics".



You can find the fpd-file at Frank´s site (Hi!).

I used the "old" board from Gustav (thanks!); at the time I built my 1176 MNATS developed the new boards, so I modified the ground planes to be almost identical to the new layout (cutting traces a lot and routing thick wires). I had some Lundahl 1539 laying around, which I use instead of the 5402 output-trannie, and became ambitious to make it fit to the pcb - not easily done, since the 1539 is bigger.

Sometimes I get carried away: for mains I had this potentiometer with a mains-switch on the back, and, err, I couldn´t stand not using the potentiometer-part, so I thought it would be nice to be able to dim the vu-meter-illumination with it? I didn´t want to drop the voltage from the toroid down to <12 volt (I use a 12-volt-bulb for illumination), and I did not want to take the voltage off the 7824 (it dissipates enough heat), so I took a small trannie and a LM317 in standard aplication. After switching 1176 on, the meter is only slightly illuminated (lamp gets 3 volts), turning the knob to the right makes it brighter (max. 11 volt).

Well... ähem... just to remind some careless user: In SLAM-mode the meter is taken out of the chain, and two red LEDs start flashing to indicate the (really nice) distortion that is introduced:

Time to sleep now, more to come...
Greetings, (Chris-)Toff
Wow! Nice clean wiring work! Did you use multicore wire, or shrink tunbe everything into one bundle or what?

[quote author="toffifee"]Well... ähem... just to remind some careless user: In SLAM-mode the meter is taken out of the chain, and two red LEDs start flashing to indicate the (really nice) distortion that is introduced:


woah, i didnt know that. thats a badass feature. :thumb:
Thanks for your kind comments.

@Joel: no multicore wire, but a lot of shrink-tubing an "hiding wires".

@kato: pots are ALPS "black beauty" RK40; I wanted a quality-pot because I really "work" with the input- and output-controls when i use my 1176.

@radiance: hidden WLAN-connections inside :cool:

Thanks for the pot info.
It looks like the black beauty has been discontinued. But they have replacements (like the blue velvet.)
available from

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