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Ó Draighnáin

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2022
New Zealand
Attached is a photo of a project that literally took years (seven?) to reach this point. Still not finished. In the 90% plus complete region now I suppose. It is in that sort of "fully operational death star" category, to paraphrase the Emperor.

If you are thinking about it, or decide you might want to build a console, just don't, don't do it (I know you'll probably do it anyway). Of course, if you have deep pockets, can hire a guy or two, then knock yourself out.

To give you an idea, I started out thinking 16:8:2 full pre eq on every channel with both mic and line input transformers. Ended up a wee way away from that.

In contrast to the slick consoles being constructed (the details of which you may see on this forum), this is an aesthetic dog's breakfast. I mean, I couldn't even line up the drill holes for pots and switches. Curves are nice though.

Along the top row (from left to right) is a first stereo return (or line) module, a second stereo return (or line) module, then a pair of line amps, then 6 x mic pre eqs (with inductors) and 4 x simplified mic pre eqs (no inductors).

Along the bottom there is a DI followed by channel routers (in the master section there is a main stereo bus and two stereo auxiliary buses). The bus, master and power distribution is over in the far cabinet (where you can see the module pulled out).

I still haven't finished the metering (I need some motivation currently lacking) and you have no idea how many pan pots I managed to wire backwards (I am mystified as to how this keeps happening).

In spite of all the self-deprecating criticism above, it works. It seems that the electrons are above aesthetics (and I don't have to worry about clients).

If I were ever to do such a thing again (which I will never do) I would micronise the hell out of everything.


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Very well done and of course lots of extra points for sheer endurance. Welcome to the elite? club of the (crazy) few who have actually built a complete mixer.


Thanks everyone for the positive comments.

Attached are a couple of images of the master module and the buses. It really is pretty rudimentary (what I did was enough for me). The switches on the front from left to right are two transformer bypasses (there are a pair of 600:15k cinemags that can be switched into the master bus - it was easier to do the L and R with two separate switches), next is a rotary stereo gain switch for the master followed by a stereo master volume with two insert bypass switches above (again done with two switches, I know, I know, you have to spend twice the effort), the four black switches are auxiliary send volume and the four underneath auxiliary send gain (I decided to go with sepearate controls instead of stereo pairs). The next black switch is a monitor select and underneath are mono, pad and mute for the monitor and finally there is the monitor volume. The black wires are all the grounds which obviously hadn't been dealt with at that point. I used a precision linear stereo pot (slugged) as the master volume but I really haven't got that right so it is a set and forget at the moment. The other transformers are a pair of 10k:10k for one of the external inputs and a couple of 600:10k which are on AUX 1 and AUX 2. Consistency with transformers hasn't been my middle name. I have used Sowters, Jensens and Cinemags (always in pairs) but generally have favoured Cinemag because of quality and I like dealing with David. I also have some pres with 1:1 transformers on the output, some with 1:2 and some with no transformers at all.

The 3mm diameter copper wire you see in the bus module between the connectors in the same as the wire used in all the buses (under the aluminium channels). Drop on resistors are in the channel.


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Do I see Helios amps in there? Either way, nicely done! Love to hear something you've used it on if you've something you're able to share.
Well spotted. Too early for anything yet and I have to get some chops back before I seriously commit to anything. Common problem, people build stuff and stop doing what it is they built the gear for. Putting some drafts together though. I will report back with something but it may take some time.

Lots of delays in getting to this point. I was pretty excited and had the console ready to test and then my Mac 5,1 wouldn't fire up so I had to buy a backplane and replace it. And then there is the day job, and fishing and the dog. As mentioned, currently musing some ideas. We had bad floods here a month or two ago and some of the levees broke... Thinking about maybe a Memphis Minnie cover to start with (no drums acoustic driven).

In case it is not clear each of the amps you see is stacked on another separated by a standoff.