Is the (Anti)Social media train running off the rails

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
Well from the very outset Ive been deeply suspicious of the mass marketeering social media,and especially what it was becoming through the use of hand held devices. As time goes on many of the people who told me go away and put my tin foil helmet on when I was warning about privacy years ago ,have come back and said you were right all along . In the pre internet days when I grew up yes there was bullies too ,but Id say a more honest and upfront kind than faceless Judas backstabbers out there today. At least in the olden days you could counter a bullys words face to face ,or if they happened be into using their fists ,you give em your best shot and gain some respect back for yourself . In any event most of the time once school bell rang everybody went off in their various directions that was the end of it for the day .
I think with the advent of social media ,which is relatively new to all of us ,we've really unleashed a time bomb on the youth. Lack of guidance and appropriate rules from the elders has led to a pervasive attitude ,that well its 'online' anything goes ,its all fair game . Ive personally noticed this idea spreading itself back through generations that didnt grow up with the internet more and more now . You only have to ask teachers nowadays about the ill effects on the younger crowd ,dissatisfied dissaffected depressed, anxiety and panic attack stricken and medicated upto the eyeballs. Of course this trend is mirrored in other segments of the population too . There seems to be an ever increasing number of people out there who simply dont wont or cant interact with the people around them ,not even capable of making eye contact, self esteem shot to hell ,bodies bloated from bad diet, pills and little physical effort whatsoever. The lack of an outlet for feelings on a one to one level manifests itself in pack hate mentality online ,and so the downward spiral continues.

I for one am glad some of the polish is wearing off Mr Facebooks 'were embettering the planet' delusion ,the guy is away with the fairies. If he thinks he can push a few buttons and fix it ,like magic ,he's dreaming . Its evolved into a living breathing organism well beyond his control now , he's little more than an asset to various intelligence organisations and the person who's head is on the chopping block when it falls apart . It wont be long before the monopolies comission in various countries busts his s****y mess into tiny pieces, top sociologists and head doctors are also piping up about the serious public health issues arising from social media, technology,and the internet  . The bell has tolled.

Were really lucky in here actually ,the generosity of spirit is way beyond anything Ive seen online ,full props going out to JR ,I'm on a completely different planet politically of course ,but you have allowed us the greatest latitude in terms of personal expression and shown good judgement when the hammer needed to come down .
It is not just social media. With most mobile phone plans having unlimited texts, cyber bullying has become rampant at UK schools. My granddaughter who is thirteen has already been a victim of it. The horrible thing is it does not stop when the playground bell rings and they all go back to classes. Her mum told just to switch off her phone and ignore them. In a few days it stopped.


Tubetec said:
I for one am glad some of the polish is wearing off Mr Facebooks 'were embettering the planet' delusion ,the guy is away with the fairies. If he thinks he can push a few buttons and fix it ,like magic ,he's dreaming . Its evolved into a living breathing organism well beyond his control now , he's little more than an asset to various intelligence organisations and the person who's head is on the chopping block when it falls apart .

I caught the back end of an interview with Zuckerberg's mentor while channel hopping, and he said that Zuckerberg is totally disconnected from reality.  He has created this wonderful thing called Facebook for the benefit of mankind and cannot undersand why we mere mortals are not totaly in awe and thankful to him.

Perhaps the lightbulb has now gone on over the Cambridge Analytica debacle and folk will be a bit more careful with what they post on the Internet.  The sad thing is though that once its out there, its out there and you cannot take it back.


I find Facebook really creepy(I ain't on it). Sketchy people requesting to be friends that are obvious shady, violent, weird. You think you can ask me to be friends just because you're behind a computer? ...where they can see all your families posts, etc?

These kinds people always have 899 friends...a manifestation of low self esteem.

It's also an(obvious) reward addiction mechanism, playing off an illusionary sense of self for many. Wake up!

I never liked Faceschmook. I also hate touchphones. I recently went back to a flip phone, when after disabling most of the basic Schmoogle services, a bunch of my calls started dropping/clicking in and out? I swear to god google is the new devil. New sim card, new flip phone. No apple. Back to normal. I think this whole tech thing is going to cave. People simply cannot evolve as fast as tech. We need to come to terms with what we need to be healthy. Exercise, good eats, real people.

And what Ian mentioned about the insanity around cellphone bullying. It can become an extension of the worst common denominators in lots of people. Again...the ability to hide, which truly reveals the worst offenders.

I'll stick to flyfishing, skiing...and enjoying fresh air. (oh, and jogging/walking at the indoor track, does a body good)

Having been on Facebook for some time, I don't really post anything  personal.  I do use it as a tool to stay on contact with some important folks.  I do have somewhat of a high "friend count" but that is because they are audio people and we all stick together. I still play the caution card often.

Facebook used to be a place where you could connect with old friends you have not seen in years. Now it's turned into nothing more then a place for political buffoonery. 
Here we are dealing with the everything is free world that digital  creates.  Advertising mixed with trolls and antisocial behavior.  Talk about a weapon of mass destruction.  Drama drama drama.
#FF Follow Friday on Tuesday
desol said:
I find Facebook really creepy(I ain't on it). Sketchy people requesting to be friends that are obvious shady, violent, weird. You think you can ask me to be friends just because you're behind a computer? ...where they can see all your families posts, etc?

These kinds people always have 899 friends...a manifestation of low self esteem.

It's also an(obvious) reward addiction mechanism, playing off an illusionary sense of self for many. Wake up!

I never liked Faceschmook. I also hate touchphones. I recently went back to a flip phone, when after disabling most of the basic Schmoogle services, a bunch of my calls started dropping/clicking in and out? I swear to god google is the new devil. New sim card, new flip phone. No apple. Back to normal. I think this whole tech thing is going to cave. People simply cannot evolve as fast as tech. We need to come to terms with what we need to be healthy. Exercise, good eats, real people.

+111 desol, exactly my perception

Want to learn something about Google?
Look here:

(Yes, I know, twitter link, but it´s rewarding, bet you didn´t know this stuff? )
I have been watching social media WRT manipulating sentiment around elections and was ahead of the reality (years ago) when I first speculated about it. Now it is finally on everybody's radar screen and as usual being overhyped by media for actual significance. That said it is worth inspection and perhaps reclassification of social media as "publishing" for respective regulation (like campaign advertising etc).

Zuckerberg has declined the invitation to testify before a parliament inquiry, and will probably try to duck the inevitable invitation to testify before congress. The good news is Facebook stock is almost cheap enough to buy now,  :eek: but maybe not finished dropping yet.  :'( Never try to catch a falling knife.


PS: an interesting (very interesting IMO) observation about attribution and citation of real names in political discussion was the public debate surrounding our constitutional convention and founding of our government.  The most famous pseudonym used was Publius shared by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. It was apparently pretty common practice.

Here is a link to dozens of fake names and who we think used them back then (a list today would be to long to show  8) ).  I wonder if a real names policy would have affected our founder's ability to shape and mold political sentiment? 
Some dem senators wrote a bill requiring people being paid to post political speech online to disclose that. Seems pretty sensible.
L´Andratté said:
+111 desol, exactly my perception

Want to learn something about Google?
Look here:

Actually, I did know most of I see recommendations popping up on youtube indicating that they've been keeping track of me for at least 5 years....and I do not have an account. So they must be keeping track of MAC address, OS product ID or some other descriptor. Bastards. ...and I'm pretty sure it's being utilized on a much bigger, hidden scale for other 'purposes'.

God I'm sounding like one of those conspiracy theorists.

Google identifies = *uck everyone over + hands off in the name of transparency, and a big team of lawyers.
Google = immoral, irresponsible, unaccountable action against humanity.

Google sucks. ...and in a recently watched video, buddy who's the head of spoogle search indicated that his next move is to make the AI even smarter. Ever tried having a random conversation with google search, and seeing the suggested links in the drop down menu. It's scary...

How can Google be called to account when they are lobbying (bribing - directly and indirectly) US politicians to bend laws to their advantage?  Capitalism seems to be pretty well screwed up.

On the Facebook issue, Zuckerberk is just a big coward and hasn't got the guts to face his accusers to account for himself or the beast he created.

Good response to this topic so far ,thanks guys .
Gives me some reassurance at least Im not the only one thinking this way .
I bet Bono is getting jumpy about his huge investment share in FB now too  :D
There is an old saying if you don't know who the patsy is in a poker game you are the patsy....  ::)

If you are getting "free" (cough) services on the WWW you are the product.  :eek:

Well, Facebook broke privacy laws(directly/indirectly they have a responsibility)...and now Zuckerbery is too chicken to go in front of tough questioning...

(still distraught with my anger at google-I can't stand what they represent)
desol said:
Actually, I did know most of I see recommendations popping up on youtube indicating that they've been keeping track of me for at least 5 years....and I do not have an account. So they must be keeping track of MAC address, OS product ID or some other descriptor. Bastards. ...and I'm pretty sure it's being utilized on a much bigger, hidden scale for other 'purposes'.

God I'm sounding like one of those conspiracy theorists.

Google identifies = *uck everyone over + hands off in the name of transparency, and a big team of lawyers.
Google = immoral, irresponsible, unaccountable action against humanity.

Google sucks. ...and in a recently watched video, buddy who's the head of spoogle search indicated that his next move is to make the AI even smarter. Ever tried having a random conversation with google search, and seeing the suggested links in the drop down menu. It's scary...

So vote with your feet - don't use google. There are plenty of alternatives. Duck duck go does not track you at all. If you want to remain completely anonymous then use the free Tor browser.

Beat them at their own game.


Hi Ian. Thanks for your reply.

Actually, just the other day I decided to do tcptraceroute's(I'm on Linux) to various search engines, sites, get a bit of a glimpse into where my routes were being directed and by whom(reverse dns/ip lookups). By far, the best choice based on these routes, was a search engine I'd never heard of before; Smartpage. So that's what I'm using now. I don't really search for anything that much anymore. I mostly type directly into the URL and go straight there, but if I do need to search a recipe or look for a component datasheet or whatever, I go through Smartpage. It's also been set to my homepage as a jumping off point...
I can roll with it.
Social Media is an excellent tool, imo; we’re certainly experiencing growing pains.
If the internet exists and we all reap the benefits of information (sometimes diluted with lies) human connection will exist along the same channels.
The names and websites will change, but people have to accept and learn to behave in a connected society.
It’s all ok!

edit: not to gloss over the points made re: cyberbullying. that is not ok and the occasional tragedy is really sad. However, i don’t know the statistics re: childhood suicide before and after yr 2000