Mullard Machines arrive home!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2016
Hi folks,

I promise this is not spam

I don't know how many of your are aware of the new Brimar company that has been established in the uk.

They are selling tested Russian tubes for £15 a pop and say they are having them built to order by foreign factories

So far some normal tube sales blah blah

BUT this is where they differ, they are selling valves/tubes to fund a much bigger and much more important project and that is

The Great British Valve Project

Their plan is to reproduce mullard classic valves/tubes to original specs in the UK!

Yes, they're crazy😂

But how? you might ask. Well they've already secured the machines that Mullard/Phillips sold to European manufactures 30 years ago

You can see them returning to Redditch, UK here

Now they're looking for help

Metallurgists, Chemists, anyone with historical knowledge, internet marketing help.

So this is where you lot come it

Here's the quote from their news letter

"We urgently need a small army of general helpers, mechanics, toolmakers, valve/engineer hobbyists, drawing interpreters, gas specialists, electricians, wiremen, electronics engineers, RF engineers, chemists, and record keeping personnel etc. to make this heritage project work.

Many of you reading this have already volunteered your services to help make this dream happen and now we need you to follow through on that commitment and join the project - we don't need money - just many hands. Please consider how you can share your knowledge and expertise with us and complete our online form, come up to Redditch and lets get moving!"

You can contact them if you fancy volunteering help here

And here is a link to their ECC804

Which they say in British made

I'm just the messenger. I thought I'd post these here to at least get some debate going, I've offered help to the GBVP because I admire the commitment and passion, I can't really do too much but I thought I'd share with you lot, because I know you'll see what's good about it

Keep glowing



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The reason why Mullard/Philips valves were so good was cos they were made by virgins in da great Blackburn factory; the biggest in the World at the time :)

Where are you going to find Blackburn virgins in da 21st century? :eek: