Soundcraft Europa 40

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Moby BV.8, Bv.11, Bv.12, T14/1
GDIY Supporter
Jun 3, 2004
Hi guys :grin: I need advice... I have really nice offer for FOH Soundcraft Europa 40 console. Actually, will be compensation for some work, and will "cost" me around 4.000EU. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with this model, just from sites all around and technical details about. I think that this monster can be easily customized for studio work, but not sure is it any good sound from ... I'm really fascinated with balanced send/return , VCA groups, fully sweepable eq and LP/HP filters... Also, 12 aux sends sounds really nice :green: Will be nice if some of you can give some comments about this console. Cheers :guinness:
If it has not seen too many roads take it, that´s a really good price.
It sounds way cleaner than the older Soundcraft liveboards (8000, 800,...) and has a decent EQ. IIRC it has an input A/B switch in the channel which is a very nice feature for studiowork
If it has not seen too many roads take it, that´s a really good price
That's the question, I'm not sure about. Same like used car, owner can roll back the counter :wink: I'm sure that will need some repair...
It sounds way cleaner than the older Soundcraft liveboards (8000, 800,...) and has a decent EQ
Hope that clean doesn't mean "boring" :green:

You can get some informations from here .
No shemo available here, unfortunately.

I'm not sure it can be easily customized for studio work. It was a pure live mixer with many features completely useless for studio work.
4000€ for this console is obviously a nice price, but if you can't check it before buying it , it's a risky deal !! It's a quite complex mixer (electronically speaking), with many pots and switches that, if they have to be replaced, can insanely increase the price.
For your information, only 2 Europa have been sold in France ...
They have been used for live and TV shows, for one, and radio broadcast for the other.
It has not been a very popular console, maybe because of the price, or maybe because it was too "fragile" for touring. Difficult to get informations about this...

If I were you, I would try to get as many informations from this console as I could :
In whitch condition it was used (single live room or touring)
How many users (or owners)
What have been done to keep it in good condition (ask for invoices)

And the best you can do : check it , if possible
And keep in mind it's NOT a studio console.

Hope it can help you

Thanks for info, yes I'm still in doubt about... Not sure about topology inside. to be honest, I hate CMOS switches passing audio in some soundcraft modelsm, so if Europe is the same I will probably skip that. Unfortunately console is still in Germany, so I will know more about next week when the friend of mine arrive from. Also, he can ask about console history, but god knows are the people (seller) honest... I asked him to connect the "thing" and try few channels. I'm also worried about pots and faders. That can be real pain and $$$. Recapping and some electronic repairs won't be such a problem because I still have my old Soundcraft 1624 working, so I have time to play with new toy. Thanks again and looking forward for some schemo :wink:
Moby, can you tell me who or which company is the seller. Maybe I worked on that board before or at least could tell you something about the location.
It's done. It took some time to arrange everything but it's mine now. Console is in the great shape, never been on tour, used in theater. :grin: Main problem is that I don't have service manual :evil: Please help. No response from Soundcraft (I sent 3 e-mails). I hate H**man company :evil:
Yha..H*rmon and the boys have pulled every Schmo
from every Soundcraft product on their web site. What..?? is bellringer gone a
clone 'em??? :evil:

Best of Luck Moby and congrats on the new desk!! :grin: :thumb: :thumb: :sam: :guinness:

[quote author="Moby"]Main problem is that I don't have service manual... [/quote]


Have you tried contacting the local Soundcraft distributor? I believe it's the Audio-Video Consulting Co. (AVC). It might be possible to purchase the manual from them. (headquarters) (Serbian branch)

BTW I don't understand that business policy from Har*ann... this is my third Soundcraft large console in past 20 years and I think it's time to go with SSL :wink:
P.Gabriel rules :grin:
I finally started with recapping Europa. Thanks to Volker for Service manual. Without it will be impossible. Inside this beast is around 7.000 elcos :shock:
I decide to go with panasonic FC series and hope that it's a right choice. I will start with PSU (CPS900). (unfortunately I don't have a s.manual for that ) :? .
Before I purchase caps I would like to hear some ideas about... I see that PSU is untouched and large caps 10000uf/40v are BHC Aerovox ALC20A series. Shoud I look for same type (well almost the same because ALC20 is obsolete) or I can do some better? I don't have much experience with PSU caps so I'm asking :wink: