The Covid Conspiracy Thread

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Jul 8, 2010
Do we need a dedicated conspiracy thread so actual covid news doesn't get drowned out by the noise?

This tsunami of cut and post does not seem on topic.


I fixed it.

If you're in a state of denial it's not relevant. If you're not in denial, it is.

Some apparently do not want facts getting in the way.
Others whine about lack of citations...

So analog et al give you citations and many of you can't deal with the reality right in front of your face.
The brainwashing borders on being pathetic.

Carry on...
how many times do I need to remind you and others that personal attacks are against our very short list of rules.

Stop... calling me out, I consider that rule breaking.


FDA Backtracks During Trial and Now Claims ‘Not Taking Ivermectin for COVID-19’ was Merely a Recommendation
In December 2021, the FDA warned Americans not to use Ivermectin that “is intended for animals” to treat or prevent COVID-19. This was a very controversial statement at the time since the FDA pushed the drug on African migrants back in 2015 and the drug was praised in several scientific journals.

There have been over 93 scientific studies on Ivermectin that showed significant benefits in treating COVID-19 in its early stages. The science is undeniable.

During a recent hearing, government lawyers argued that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was only giving advice and it was not mandatory when it told people to “stop” taking Ivermectin for COVID-19. The Nov. 1 hearing in federal court in Texas was for a complaint made by three doctors who claim the FDA’s statements on ivermectin, an anti-parasitic that has shown positive benefits in some trials against COVID-19, violated their constitutional right to practice medicine, Epoch Times reported.

“The cited statements were not directives,” said Isaac Belfer, one of the lawyers. They were not mandatory. They were recommendations. They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe ivermectin.”

The above is total BS. Doctors were fired, patients were denied prescriptions and many lost their licenses.

And people died needlessly due to medical malpractice by institutionalized medicine:

“Can you understand the toll that that takes that I have young patients – young patients in the 30s and 40s, who I had to watch die – while the hospital prevented me from giving them the treatment I thought was in their best interest,” says Dr. Marik in 2021.

It would appear that those of you who repeated media talking points were the one's spreading the actual bull shit.

YOU are the misinformationist parrots.

Doctors who ignored the overwhelming evidence and continued to lie about therapeutics are the most reprehensible of the lot.

And then there's the government lawyers who insult all of us thinking we have the memory of goldfish.
Unfortunately, for some of you, they may be right...
how many times do I need to remind you and others that personal attacks are against our very short list of rules.

Stop... calling me out, I consider that rule breaking.


If you're in a state of denial it's not relevant. If you're not in denial, it is.

The statement I made were directed at two groups, not you personally. Those in denial and those not.

If you took it personally maybe you're too sensitive.

"Grade-A Gaslighting": FDA Says Anti-Ivermectin Campaign Was 'Just A Recommendation'
The Zero Hedge article contains some additional information regarding Ivermectin efficacy.


For the record I don't come here to get my ass kissed.
I think it's incredibly useful to question everything being told to us by the so-called "authorities."
We have been lied to, gas-lit and subjected, by their own admissions, to military-grade psyops and propaganda.
I don't expect to convince the cult to change their minds. They are forever lost.

I pity those forced to take the so-called vaccine to hold a job or function in society and those denied basic healthcare and transplants.
I pity those who voluntarily took the vaccine and cannot publicly admit the reality that they may have injured themselves, short or long term. Many of you express this as anger when the narrative is questioned.
Fortunately only 20% of the lots were "hot."

I'm angry at the monsters who did this. It is the biggest fraud and genocide ever committed. We have never seen evil on this scale.

If I provide ONE PERSON the information they need to keep from hurting themselves with another booster or surrendering their liberties and freedoms, the hatred and disdain directed at me here is worth it.

But, in the inverted clown world of the cult, questioning authority and challenging those who lie or misinformed makes me a bad, bad, bad person.
I can live with that.

We'll all be judged sooner or later.
The popular Jack 96.9 morning show host in Vancouver, Canada, will be taking a hiatus until 2023 following a heart attack last week. Popular gay radio personality and vaccine advocate “Drex,” says he was watching TV at home when he experienced a strange sensation, according to The Province. “It was really weird. I felt nauseous like I needed to throw up and do a bowel movement at the same time,” he said. The 43-year-old man began to feel tightness in his chest. He contacted his friend to call 911 immediately after he failed to reach his husband, who was at work at the time. According to Drex, firefighters were at his house within 10 minutes, and paramedics arrived shortly thereafter. He was sent to the emergency room. A heart attack was diagnosed after an EKG was performed by doctors.

It can be recalled, Brex launched an attack against the anti-vaxxers last year, labeling them “morons” and demanding them to shut up.

“To the folks saying getting vaccinated is a “deeply personal decision” it’s time to shut the f*ck up and sit the f*ck down. It’s a matter of public health. The media and governments aren’t lying to you. You’re just a f*cking moron who doesn’t know sh*t from clay. STFU already,” Brex wrote on his Twitter.

Did Drex post here?
Twitter Stops Enforcing COVID-19 Misinformation Policy
Twitter will no longer enforce its Covid-19 misinformation policy, under which users who deviated from prevailing establishment narratives frequently had their accounts locked or suspended.

The longstanding policy did not apply to misinformation from government officials, who regularly lied about things such as transmission, masks, vaccine efficacy, side effects, or any of the other 'science' which turned out to be patently false.

Twitter did not officially announce the change, rather, the company added a note to a page on its website outlining its Covid-19 policy.

"Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy," reads the note, which follows a line that still reads: "As the global community faces the COVID-19 pandemic together, Twitter is helping people find reliable information, connect with others, and follow what's happening in real time."

And in related news:

'Gaslighting' Is The Word Of The Year For Good Reason
Every year Merriam-Webster picks a word to capture the culture of a moment in time. The choice is based on the frequency and quantity of search as well as the departure from the norm. This year the choice seems perfect: gaslighting. It’s drawn from the 1944 film noir starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman.

The term means to be subjected to extended psychological trickery to cause the victim to question his or own reality. In the film, Boyer plays a handsome stranger who meets the beautiful heiress Bergman on a foreign journey and they fall in love. He convinces her to marry and move back together to London to her family home, whereby he embarks upon a subtle campaign to convince her she is bonkers while he secretly searches the home for legacy jewels he intends to steal.

It’s painful to watch but the experience connects with our own as we watch mainstream media, see respectable scientists canceled for supposedly spreading disinformation, or when we watch a White House press conference. They try to convince us that they are normal and we are the crazy ones, probably guilty of wrongthink or not aware of the full facts. The more they insist on their version of truth, the more we are invited to see ourselves as nuts for failing to give them all the benefit of our doubt.

Carry on Covidians...

The 29 April 2016 "Unmasking Zero Hedge" article by Bloomberg quoted former website staffer Colin Lokey as saying: "I can't be a 24-hour cheerleader for Hezbollah, Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, and Trump anymore. It's wrong. Period. I know it gets you views now, but it will kill your brand over the long run. This isn't a revolution. It's a joke." Lokey told Bloomberg that he was pressured to frame issues in a way he felt was "disingenuous," summarizing its political stances as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft." Lokey provided chat transcripts in which Ivandjiiski refers to America's "silent majority" as "beastly", while Backshall acknowledges life in the U.S. is bad "outside of my bubble". Wallace-Wells observed that the site demonstrated a pro-Russia bias, stating the site had a "pointed" Russophilia.

In March 2020, American journalist Seth Hettena wrote an opinion-piece in The New Republic titled "Is Zero Hedge a Russian Trojan Horse?", and provided details on the links between Krassimir Ivandjiiski (the site publisher's Bulgarian father), and Soviet-era activities in propaganda, revealed during litigation initiated by the father against Hettena in the Bulgarian courts. Hettena commented that Zero Hedge has become "a forum for the hateful, conspiracy-driven voices of the angry white men of the alt-right. Racists, anti-Semites, extreme right-wingers, and conspiracy nuts were an underserved audience, and, as it turns out, a profitable one."
Apparently I'm not allowed to quote anyone here out of potential retaliation from "he who shall not be quoted."

So I will leave our readers to guess who I am responding to. Hint: It is not "he who shall not be quoted."

I might add that "he who shall not be quoted" made a suggestion that I followed in the OP and, in quoting "he who shall not be quoted," I attempted to give credit for the great idea.

Rather than challenge the subject matter the poster I'm referring to assails the messenger. (Zero Hedge, me or anyone who deviates from the "official" narrative.)

It was Merriam Webster who named "Gaslighting" the word of the year - not Zero Hedge.
Diversion indeed...

Labeling the messenger with various names is a tired old trick to divert attention from the subject matter and is what losers of arguments do.

Keep it up Covidians and you'll be living in a hellish world just like the Chinese. And, you'll deserve it.

To answer the question in a post following that one the answer is "yes."

If you want facts and citations - lots of them - you'll find 57 pages here: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2022 "Vaccine" Injury And Depopulation - Pro Audio Design Forum

And the Spartacus' reference library: Spartacus' Covid-19 Reference Library - Pro Audio Design Forum
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In the interest of full disclosure it has been learned that the blood clot removed from a live patient in "Died Suddenly" has been found to be 2019 footage pre-dating covid. I'm not sure why they used it - it appears to be a "normal" blood clot and not the long rubbery non-blood strings pulled out by embalmers. I need to review that section.

You can make up your own minds about the visuals in "Died Suddenly" of fibrous clots being pulled out by embalmers.
Better yet talk to an embalmer.
From fellow tin-foil-hatter Senator Rand Paul:

“Likely there is no public health figure who has made a greater error in judgement than Dr Fauci,” Paul declared in a Fox News appearance, adding “the error of judgement was to fund gain of function research in a totalitarian country.”

Fauci funded “research that allowed them to create super viruses, that in all likelihood leaked into the public and caused seven million people to die,” Paul declared.

Rand Paul: Fauci Caused 7 Million People To Die; "We've Caught Him Red-Handed, He Won't Get Away”
The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened.

Official reports quietly published by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that over 6 million Americans have died ever since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in December 2020; with 2021 being a record-breaking year for deaths.

This sadly means that at least 1.1 million Americans may have ‘died suddenly’ during this time frame because according to the CDC reports there have been 1,106,079 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 five-year average.

And with further official Government figures confirming that mortality rates per 100,000 are highest among the vaccinated population in every single age group, it would appear Covid-19 vaccination is almost entirely to blame.

We unvaccinated refusniks were told we were slow, backward, non-critical-thinking individuals.
Many of the Covidian Cult wanted us banned from society, charged criminally and yes, imprisoned.
We were "granny killers."

Looks like we were right and many of you were horribly wrong.


Image Source: Secret CDC Report reveals at least 1.1 Million Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the COVID Vaccine roll-out & another Government Report proves the COVID Vaccines are to blame

I'd rather be "slow in the head" than dead.

Its time to wake up sleepy heads.
I'm not going to pursue this, but will just point out:

Besides correlation not being causation, the posted UK graphics fail to take into account:

The large proportion of unvaccinated who have had covid and have natural immunity
Baseline vaccine effectiveness after second dose, waning immunity considering time since vaccination, and booster dose efficacy
Vaccine type
Variant of COVID-19: D614G (ancestral type), B.1.1.7 (Alpha), B.1.351 (Beta), P.1 (Gamma), B.1.617.2 (Delta), and B.1.1.529 (Omicron)

Vaccination, and access to clean water, are probably the two most life saving health measures in world history. I'll stick with them.

Here's a graphic comparing the "secret CDC report" of (total) excess deaths with the covid deaths for the same time period. Hmmm.

"Vaccination, and access to clean water, are probably the two most life saving health measures in world history. I'll stick with them."

My choices would have been clean water and toilets.
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