Looking For Alternative to JLCPCB for PCB Fabrication

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Dec 2, 2018
No longer in NY and below the Mason Dixon line.
So for whatever reason, JLCPCB or Paypal changed the way they process payments and I can no longer buy from them. I've done about 2 dozen purchases with them in the last three years, but now any attempt through Paypal get declined. My bank tells me on the previous purchases they would first try the Hong Kong paypal data center, that would get declined (they don't allow purchases from Hong Kong) and then it would automatically switch to the US data center, and it would go through. Well something is up and it's not switching to the US data center anymore.

Anyway, JLCPCB's prices are the lowest I have ever found for boards. CRAZY low, but since I can't use them at the moment, who else out there has good prices and good quality for a US customer?
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Paypal just worked fine for me...Dangit..... Didn't need 5 more boards but was curious.... stay tuned for black market listing...lol
Maybe try a different card or bank?
None of my banks allow transactions from Hong Kong. So nothing I have will work.

This has to be affecting more than me, since many banks block purchases from foreign countries where fraud is a big issue.
Email JLCPCB? Perhaps they have a workaround, at these prices the risk isn't a stomach churning loss.
My buddy have been using PCB GO GO for years, I still use JLC without problems.
I have ordered over 250 different boards from JLC.
So for whatever reason, JLCPCB or Paypal changed the way they process payments and I can no longer buy from them. I've done about 2 dozen purchases with them in the last three years, but now any attempt through Paypal get declined. My bank tells me on the previous purchases they would first try the Hong Kong paypal data center, that would get declined (they don't allow purchases from Hong Kong) and then it would automatically switch to the US data center, and it would go through. Well something is up and it's not switching to the US data center anymore.

Anyway, JLCPCB's prices are the lowest I have ever found for boards. CRAZY low, but since I can't use them at the moment, who else out there has good prices and good quality for a US customer?
[who else out there has good prices and good quality for a US customer?] -- I have used this PCB fab shop since the 1990's and have always gotten (what I think are) good prices and great quality. And.....due to how they do their pricing, I have always been able to configure my orders to be in such a manner that I can receive 10 or more additional boards than I really need for only just a few dollars more!!! Not only that but, they also can assemble your boards as well. Try these guys in Colorado:

Here is another really good PCB-fabrication/assembly firm located in Oregon:

In addition.....within one of my PCB-design industry magazines there is a PCB-fabrication company that typically runs an ad in the back of the magazine with an offer of: "Buy 10 PCB's and WE'LL SHIP YOU 20"!!!

Should you be interested in something like that, let me know and I will look up who that company is.

And, finally.....I just purchased an interesting "PDF-2-GERBER" (with EXCELLON N/C Drill output file) program, should you ever need something weird like that done!!!

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I've been using PCBWAY.com forever - fast, cheap and good. 3 out of 3!. Best thing is they take my Protel *.PCB files so I don't have to futz around with gerbers. Never a bad board.
[Best thing is they take my Protel *.PCB files] -- I have noticed that companies that are in other locations here on Planet Earth outside of the U.S.A. will actually send their CAD PCB-design files to fabrication shops to have boards made. But, >> NONE << of the 50+ companies that I have designed PCB's for here in the U.S. would.....ever.....Ever.....EVER!!!.....EVER!!!.....allow their CAD PCB-design files to leave the company premises!!! WHY??? There is too much "intelligent-data" within the CAD-file of a PCB design and GERBER files are only "non-intelligent" ASCII files. That's why.

PCBWay would be my second choice. I’ve used both and never had a bad board.

If you’re only doing short runs Oshpark is a great North America based option. Not quite as fast turnaround, but quick shipping, excellent quality, and I believe they are entirely based in the US.

They are a bit more expensive if you do bigger sized boards, and they don’t do big runs, or have the same configuration options as the Chinese fab shops, but the service and quality are great. Whenever i need less than 50pcs I always check them for price comparison.
PCBWay would be my second choice. I’ve used both and never had a bad board.

If you’re only doing short runs Oshpark is a great North America based option. Not quite as fast turnaround, but quick shipping, excellent quality, and I believe they are entirely based in the US.

They are a bit more expensive if you do bigger sized boards, and they don’t do big runs, or have the same configuration options as the Chinese fab shops, but the service and quality are great. Whenever i need less than 50pcs I always check them for price comparison.
I've used Oshpark for bits and bobs, but I can't do the kind of runs I do on JLC for anywhere near the price. One 500 series board I did last year was $132 for 3 boards from Oshpark, and I probably bought 20 boards for $25 from JLC.