500 series modular API style console...625CR Control Room Module Done Page 21!!

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[/quote]Well, I do have plans to talk to Paul about the possibility of incorporating his Shadow Mix Automation system. So you never know do you!  :D

Wow. Wow. Wow. If Shadowmix were able to easily incorporate into this board you would have a serious winner. This could sell like mad. Also prepare yourself for having to offer a crazy amount of build support. This thing is going to need a manual like Drip makes for his projects.

I just got the email that my first batch of PCB's will be here Wednesday. That is for the 508 backplane and the DB25 daughterboard.

The necessary metal parts have been manufactured for the test run of buckets. The steel brackets are being plated right now. If that goes smooth, I will have the metal parts here by Friday.

It's giving me that warm and fuzzy feeling.  :D

Cheers, Jeff
dandeurloo said:
amazing!  we need pictures!
And you will get them!  8)

Hopefully, this Friday delivery will give me just enough time to finish up something else I have been working on.  ;)
I have literally been holding my breath since this thread started. I have been blue for a while now... Looking forward to some pics for sure.
Breath in...breath out...breath in  :D

That's a long time to be holding your breath!  :)

Things will start happening soon enough now I think. No more interruptions.  :(
Oh my. I have just received the first batch of PCB's for this thing.  :eek:

Unfortunately, I can't post any pics until later today. I am mucho happy and impressed though. In the words of Tubemooley..."sick".  :D 

That's all I can say for now...sick.  ;D

Pics to come a little later today...
I've been trying to post a few pics since yesterday afternoon but I keep getting a database error. I have been in touch with Ethan about it. I'm sure he will get it sorted out soon.

It looks at is I edit this post, maybe I can get them all up.

Cheers, Jeff
I realized yesterday that I reversed the stop areas for the ground planes on the 508 backplane. The bare strip across the top and bottom needs to be on the module side of the board. Oh well. Sh!t happens. That's why we do proto runs and I only got 2 made!  :D  At least that will not happen again on any of these console boards. Famous last words.  ;)

Now, I sit back and wit for metalwork to show up.

Cheers, Jeff
I will quote Dana with a few changes:

Holy mackerel.
Those circuit boards are sick.
Jeff, my friend, you need help.
Professional help.

Oh man ... Yer killin' me
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Great work my friend,
looking forward to see the metal work!
I just talked to the guy at my metal shop. All the initial proto parts shipped out today. That means I should get them tomorrow morning!!! Wooohoo!

Now, I am a tad bit stoked to say the least!!  :eek: :eek: 8) 8) ;D ;D :) :)
OK. Got some work done. Perfect? No, but a really good start. Overall I am very happy. The brackets are dead-nuts on which is key. The main thing I ran into was the thru holes in the 1/8 panels were a little small. I had to re-drill them with a .116 bit on the press. I did spec .116 which irritates me a little. From my experience, the very small laser cut holes thru aluminum are a little undersized. The laser also sometimes leaves a small tit inside the hole that needs to be cleaned up. Anyhow, no biggie for a proto run. The worst part was cleaning the small bur around the hole on the back-side after drilling. As you can see, I just grabbed the first sanding block I found which looks like it had 80 grit on it. It's on the inside so who cares really.

So, I will spec that the hole dims are critical and cannot be missed.

The other thing I want is for the countersinks to be deeper. If they miss on the depth, they need to miss deeper not shallower. I did spec them over-sized also but I think they loose a little since they wide belt sand them after to clean them up a little.

Oh, the other thing that burns my ass is that I flipped the stop areas for the ground planes on the PCB backplane. I think I mentioned that earlier. I need to adjust the silk on the inside a tiny bit too. Proto before production. Proto before production. Words to always live by.  ;)

Anyhow, take a gander.

Later, I will show how they can be easily added together. Also, I have the 2 modules high sides that I will assemble for my own needs. Those I need to drill yet and will have to deepen the countersinks before I assemble.

Cheers, Jeff